Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog Tour 2014-15 - Better Late Than Never

It's been a thoroughly frustrating season for me so far, having beavered away all summer and autumn to raise the cash, I was all set for a nifty Christmas get away. But frustratingly anything vaguely resembling normal volumes of snow failed to arrive. To make matters worse, I also had a terrible cold that just wouldn't go away and left me with endless wheezy coughing fits, which sounded like I had swallowed a party whistle.
New Year's eve finally brought the big dump of snow that everyone had been waiting for since the start of December, but I was kiboshed by unexpected car troubles to sort out and with those sorted, had to head off to a job in Rome that took a huge chunk out of my January diary.

The mega storm of the year was perfectly timed for the group "Occupy the Alps" meet up at the beginning of February; Carl, Andy, Wayne and others had huge volumes of fresh snow to play with. Back at base camp, I was stuck preparing for a big event in London and could only watch the pictures appear on Facebook with envy.

Blog tour 2014-15 - pre-flight preparations

Never the less I have managed, against all odds, to keep the next few weeks free and get myself out before the season is over. Of course, with a couple of days to go, I got the offer of four solid weeks of work and turned down over £3000 of easy money, why do I do this, am I crazy? Well the following video pretty much sums up my mood right now....

WARNING - contains expletives, do not click if you are easily offended!

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