Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blog Tour 2014-15 - Maxed Out In Sainte Foy

It was a delightful and quick drive along tiny mountain roads from where I am staying at The Auberge du val Jolly in Séez to the ski station at Sainte-Foy-Tarantaise. The recently overcast weather is clearing and the sun has reappeared which makes riding so much easier.

Max couldn't join me till a little later, I assumed he had chores to do, but it later emerged that there had been some serious partying going the night before. When I received a text to say that Max was ready to meet up, we arranged a rendezvous, the look on his face was priceless when he saw me with two skibikes, one for each of us.

Two skibikes! - the look on his face was priceless

We spent a few hours gradually working our way higher up the mountain, first on piste, then  off. I had expected there to be lift issues beyond the first level. which is the limit for Yooners.
I checked with the liftie, who said I was allowed to use the higher lifts, but crazy as the slopes were too steep for skibikes; it was time to disprove that theory.

Slopes too steep for skibikes? - it was time to disprove that theory

After lunch Max swapped to snowboard to join his mates and co-workers making the most of their day off. We headed to the highest point and began a huge traverse, I did my best to keep up but eventually crashed on a steeper section, tumbling about 20 feet down from the skibike. Powder snow doesn't give you much purchase on a 30 degree slope, I thought I would be there all night scrabbling away, but managed to trample down enough snow to make a staircase eventually; by which time my companions had long disappeared.
Every day you can learn something new, sometimes painfully so, I will ride with my leash hooked on for future powder sessions.

My brief visit to Sainte-Foy-Tarantaise has been very memorable, it is a charming and down to earth place with excellent skibike potential whether for a novice or an expert, the off piste on the shallower grades was epic, on par with the best anywhere I've yet found.

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