Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Blog Tour 2015-16 - Morillon Warm Up

Peter has been a long time contributor to discussions on The SkiBike Blog Facebook Group. His skibike experience had been limited to a few days riding a Firem VS skibike at Grand Bornand some years back. I had warned him that some might question his skibiking acumen on discussions, when only based on such limited data.

Yesterday Peter did the honourable thing and jumped on a jet from Bristol to Geneva; tomorrow he will be joining myself, Thierry and Stephane as we head off to the European SkiBike Weekend in Austria.
Today we enjoyed a gentle warm up session, cruising around some the gentler family runs that the Morillon end of the Grand Massif has to offer.

Peter adjusted to my skibike very quickly

We chose the sweeping Sairon run for our first descent, once past the steep top section it was strictly easy riding back down to the base station at Morillon 1100. Peter adjusted to my number two skibike very quickly, especially considering his lack of experience, so after refreshments we headed over to Les Carroz.

We eventually worked our way right over to Les Molliets, skirting the border with Flaine where skibikes have been banned from the chairlifts for the last couple of years. I am pleased to report that although Peter had his odd tricky moment, he survived unscathed and eager to see what adventures our trip to Austria will bring tomorrow.

Sairon piste - Morillon

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