Monday, March 17, 2014

Skibike Swiss Rolls - Some Like It Hot

No sooner was I back in Geneva before I had to make a quick turnaround and head straight back out. This time it was to meet up with Carl Day and enjoy a few days riding in the Swiss Vaud. Arriving ahead of me on Sunday night, he had already set up a base camp at the Grand Chalet Hotel, in the breathtakingly pretty village of Leysin.

Carl and Mark - a quick skibike photo opportunity

My arrival was somewhat tardy, but we still managed to get in a good few runs on the slushy snow, in what are close to summer time temperatures. The snow has changed so much since I was last here just a few weeks ago, at this rate the resort may close quite soon.

The Swiss Vaud at sunset

To make the most of it, we're going to head over to Glacier 3000 tomorrow in order to seek out some better snow and try the steep runs available there.

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