Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Skibiker Numbers On The Up

It's supposed to be another poor weather day at altitude, from my vantage point at McDonalds in Segny, the Jura mountains look to be getting a top up of snow and the webcams confirm this. Tomorrow I must get up there, but I needed a bit of a break today; long drives, long days skibiking, evenings writing the blog and editing pictures and under 5 hours sleep a night is too much to keep up for more than a few days at a time.
So let's leave stories of monster black runs and daring do for later and take a look at some new skibikers, hitting the slopes for the first time and representing both disciplines of the sport.

First up we have Clayton Wells, who due to arthritic knees thought he would have to sit out a ski holiday, pining to be on the snow. Luckily, his eagle eyed wife had spotted skibobs on a previous holiday and set about arranging hire and lessons for him.
Having chosen a Brenter skibob due to the convenience of a local hire shop in Les Arcs and the familiarity of the sensation for a former skier, the latest news is that after a few days riding he is loving it and eating up those late afternoon mogulled runs. Well done Clayton; A+ for effort and achievement, go to the top of the class.

Clayton Wells - eating up those late afternoon mogulled runs

Next up we have Gregory Vansillette who has been riding a Firem VS at Grand Bornand for the first time and seems to be jolly enthusiastic about the whole experience. In the last couple of days a new shop has started hiring out these bikes in Grand Bornand, so now you have no reason not to give one a go. Vivre la difference!

Gregory Vansillette - hire one like this at Grand Bornand

If you are reading this and think that your body is too old for any more skiing, or you are a mountain bike rider or motorcyclist wanting to take your riding into a new dimension of speed and control, please use the contact page to send a message, join our Facebook Group or leave a comment below. If you don't try skibiking this season you will be another year older when you do.

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